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Visiting Border City in Military Uniforms, Erdogan Signals Expansion of Syria Campaign

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited border troops in the southern province of Hatay on Sunday to boost the morale of soldiers. He was accompanied by an army of Turkey’s celebrities, film stars, pop singers and other well-known figures.

The president wore a military uniform with presidential insignia on his shoulder. The display captured the public mood after the takeover of Kurdish enclave of Afrin from People’s Protection Units (YPG) last month.

And Mr. Erdogan signaled the expansion of Turkey’s military campaign in northern Syria to uproot remaining elements of YPG from border towns. Ankara views YPG as Kurdistan Workers’ Party’s (PKK) Syria offshoot and deems it a terrorist group.

Turkish military chief Gen. Hulusi Akara was present during Mr. Erdogan’s visit.

The president visited Ogulpinar border post to meet with soldiers.

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