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Turkey Frees Another German ‘Political Prisoner’

Turkey has freed another German national who had been held in jail for political reasons, a foreign ministry spokesman said Friday in Berlin, in a sign of easing tensions between the NATO partners.

The ministry spokesman did not give details about the identity of the freed German, but said the person was still blocked from leaving Turkish soil.

“I am pleased that there has been another release. A person about whom we have not released details has been released, though with a ban on leaving the country,” the spokesman said in a regular press briefing.

The latest release brings the number of Germans that Berlin says Turkey is holding for political reasons to four.

It comes after the prominent release of German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yucel, who returned to Germany last week after a year in jail.

German-Turkish relations have been soured over German criticism of Turkey’s human rights record, but have recently started to recover after Turkey released several German citizens.

German Journalist Deniz Yucel Is Released From Turkey Prison

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