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Turkish Media Highlights — Nov. 26, 2017



How Good Behavior This Is?

In the day marking fighting domestic violence, a scandal decision from a court enraged women’s rights groups. Kasim Demirtas who killed his sister Amine Demirtas (16) after one week of torture received a reduction in his life sentence due to his good behavior during the trial at the court. The decision sparked outrage from legal experts and rights activists.


We Took Critical Decisions in Sochi As 3 Leaders 

President Erdogan: We will soon see the positive impact of the decisions taken during trilateral Sochi meeting on ending the humanitarian tragedy in Syria.


We Will Not Bow

Women vowed that they will not bow to patriarchy and traditional structure during Fighting Violence Against Women.


FETO’s Extradition Is Before Trump

President Erdogan called for the extradition of Gulen. President Trump told him that he will examine the issue.


US Terror Project Collapses

The U.S. plan to destroy Syria from within through proxy terrorist groups were thwarted by trilateral Sochi meeting. After Daesh threat is over, PKK and PYD remain only allies of the U.S. Trump who understood that the U.S. would be marginalized in the region, therefore promised to halt arms supply. Turkey and the world will see whether this pledge would be honored.


We Won’t Step Aside

President Erdogan said Turkey will not step aside as a new terror corridor takes shape beyond its southern border.


We Will Take Care of Our Lives

Women were in streets across Turkey. They vowed to keep struggle for women’s rights.

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