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Turkish Media Highlights — Nov. 20, 2017



Great Suspicion

Turkish officials believe that Ilhami Bali and Mustafa Dokumaci who planned and organized many bloody attacks in Turkey were among those Islamic State militants who were evacuated from Raqqa after a deal between U.S.-backed YPG and ISIS.


US Judge Is FETO Partisan

Judge Richard Berman who oversees the conspiracy trial against Turkey in the U.S. is someone who lost his complete impartiality and is a proved FETO supporter.


Ataturk Is National and Local Leader

An unexpected announcement from Fatih Erbakan, son of former Islamist Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan: Fatih Erbakan the economic situation into the collapsing economy of late the Ottoman Empire and praised Ataturk’s economic policy.


Food Project: An Example to the World

Fazla Gida Firm, which convenes charity organizations with over-producing supermarkets, delivered 122 tonnes of food to 14,000 people in the past seven months.


The Hero in NATO

He was a victim of FETO but elevated to the status of hero.


We Will Rip Apart Their Plans

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said everything is very open and clear. He noted that Turkey is the real target, not his party and himself. “With the help of God, we will destroy their plans and maps prepared at tables.” He spoke about NATO scandal.


This Organization Is Not Product of Our Country

President Erdogan said FETO’s real identity has been revealed after ongoing trials and investigations. Its roots are somewhere else, outside this country, he said.


We Will Rip Apart Maps

The depiction of Ataturk and Erdogan as enemies during a NATO drill revealed a plot against Turkey. President Erdogan: As how we ripped apart maps one century ago, with the help of God we will destroy designs and plans today about our region and Turkey.


They Understand Who Is Real Target

President Erdogan: Those who always celebrated attacks against me now understood that who is the real target. Target is not a person, it is Turkey.


I Am Not the Target: It Is Nation

President Erdogan gave the start of his 2019 presidential election campaign in Bayburt where he got the most of the votes in the referendum in favor of his constitutional reform bid. He explained the background of NATO scandal.


Turkey Is the One Who Lost

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) conducted a study to measure the shortcomings and problems of worsening Turkish economy.


NATO Destroys From Within

So-called ally NATO launched four operations against ruling AKP, which was elected by Turkish people. NATO succeeded in none of them. It organized 2007 public rallies against AKP, 2013 Gezi protests to topple the government, July 15, 2016 coup through its proxy FETO and the last time during a NATO drill.


You Have Many Things to Learn From Cuba

Dr. Pedro Valdes-Sosa, Cuba Nerve Systems Center Director, spoke to the Birgun Daily. Turkey should take Cuba into consideration to advance preventive public health care. The U.S., to which states look for a model, is not a good example for public health.


Perpetual Friend

Greek Valerios Leonidis, arc-rival of legendary weightlifter Naim Suleymanoglu, was present at Suleymanoglu’s funeral to pay final tribute to his former friend and rival at Olympics.



NATO is a so-called military alliance, which turned to a proxy gang of FETO after July 15 coup attempt.

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