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Turkish Media Highlights — Nov. 19, 2017


I’m Ready to Perform Head Transplant

Italian surgeon Sergio Canavero, the man who claims to perform the first head transplant spoke to Hurriyet: Everything is ready for head transplant in China.


Plot Investigation Into US Prosecutors

Legal lesson against prosecutors who tried to replicate FETO’s Dec. 17-25 legal coup in the U.S.


FETO Trace in NATO Scandal

Relations between NATO, which tried to assuage Turkey with an apology over a scandal in which Ataturk and Erdogan were depicted as enemies, and FETO has been designated.


Education Must Be Bipartisan

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim spoke about the latest reforms in education, from teacher assignments to the new curriculum and exams.


We Lost Giant Turk. Naim Suleymanoglu, the best weightlifter ever in world sports history has lost his life.


Goodbye to Turks’ Grand Hercules

Naim Suleymanoglu, the biggest weightlifter of all times who has 3 Olympic, .7 World, 6 European Championships, 46 world records, died at age of 50.


NATO Looking For Excuse

NATO sends a warning to Turkey over not to cross boundaries with the enemy message. It bases this on 1959 agreement, terms of which were kept secret from Turkey and which gives invasion right to Turkey.


Good News From Religious Affairs Directorate

A congratulatory move. The first time a woman has been appointed as deputy head of Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate. Diyanet opened the door for women which have long been sidelined at the directorate. Positions for deputy head of provincial branches in 81 provinces has been made mandatory.


NATO’s 2018 Scenario: Attack to Turkey

Behind a scandal in which Erdogan and Ataturk were depicted as enemies during a military drill in Norway was a NATO plan to launch an operation against Turkey in 2018.


Are These Countries Allies?

When it comes to Turkey, NATO members display all forms of animosity and enmity.


We Do Not Bow to Anyone

President Erdogan challenged NATO and the U.S. which opened a veiled war against Turkey: “We saw how much we can trust whom. We will not bow to anybody.”


Do Not Think That Process of Change Over

President Erdogan warned party mayors, signaling that a new wave of a purge of local government would be on the way.


Parents Fight Legacy of September 12

Families who object compulsory religious course do not give up fighting.


What They Did Was Not Stupidity, But Treason

President Erdogan slammed NATO over depiction of Ataturk and himself as enemies during a military drill in Norway. He said what they did was not stupidity, but treason. He also accused the U.S. of betraying alliance relations.

Birgun Daily

Causes of Deaths Are Outsourcing System

At a workshop over outsourced jobs and workers by Republican People’s Party Labor Bureau, a call was made for providing permanent jobs for workers. A report by Workers’ Health and Security Council noted that at least 71 workers committed suicides for work-related reasons in 2017.

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