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Turkish Gov’t Seeks to Retain Some Emergency Powers

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said that the Turkish government seeks to retain some of the powers emanating from the state of emergency laws to more effectively combat terrorism after the emergency rule is lifted this month.

“There will be necessary arrangements within the last decree we will be publishing tomorrow to ensure that combatting terrorism is not curtailed by weakness when the state of emergency is lifted,” Yildirim said on Thursday in a televised interview with state-run TRT 1 channel.

He confirmed earlier reports that the government does not consider extending the emergency rule, OHAL in Turkish, after July 18.

The government has been ruling the country with emergency decrees since July 20, 2016, five days after a botched military coup attempt. The emergency regime has placed tremendous restraints on public and civic life, provided the government broad leeway to muzzle dissent, limit people’s mobility, their rights to assembly and other liberties.

The prime minister whose post will be consigned to history on Monday as the new executive presidential system will take effect is holding meetings with members of media as part of his departure.

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