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5.8-Magnitude Earthquake Shakes Istanbul

A 5.8-magnitude earthquake shook Istanbul, Turkey’s largest city, on Thursday, driving residents to evacuate buildings, AFP journalists witnessed.

The quake’s center was in the town of Silivri in Istanbul province, the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (AFAD) measuring it at magnitude 5.8, while Istanbul’s Bogazici University Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute said 5.7.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a televised speech and stated that eight people have been injured.

Istanbul Governor’s Office announced that all schools in the city would be closed today, as they were evacuated.

Some Istanbul residents shared videos on Twitter showing how some tall buildings shook during the quake.

Istanbul lies near a major faultline and experts have forecast that a severe earthquake is due there in the coming years.

A large quake could devastate the city of 15 million, which has allowed widespread building without safety precautions.


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