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Erdogan Urges His Party to Dominate Ballot Boxes to Keep Kurdish Party Below Threshold

In a video went viral on social media on Wednesday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged officials of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) to ensure their domination of ballot boxes during the vote in a bid to keep pro-Kurdish People’s Democracy Party (HDP) below 10 percent electoral threshold.

A party member secretly recorded Erdogan’s speech during which the president lays out a strategy to meticulously work on every ballot box across the country.

“Our party branches need to work differently on HDP. I do not speak this outside. I’m talking this here with you. Why do I speak to you? Because HDP’s failure to pass the threshold means that our party’s situation comes to a better position,” he said.

The urge to work on voter lists and dominate polling stations during the vote sparked reaction from HDP. Many people on social media called on High Election Council (YSK) to launch an investigation into the matter.

In late April, President Erdogan called for snap elections on June 24 elections. Turkey will elect both a new president and a new Parliament. The election is so vital for Erdogan after a transition to the executive presidential system last year.

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